身体から湧きたつ形・色・テクスチャーに想いを込めて、一点ものの作品を発信するジュエリーブランド<SUSA bijou>。
そこには、<過去と未来><聖と俗><人間と動物><男と女>などの二項を越えて新たなイメージや価値をつくりだす歓び・自由と創造の歓びを作品から受け取ってほしい。という<SUSA bijou>の想いが込められています。
Inspired by the form, color, and texture which spring from body, SUSA bijou creates one of a kind jewelries
“SUSABU” means “to play “or “ rough”.
Under the concept “To inspire SUSABU free mind and flexible creativity “ we create organic jewelry with high vital force which is like a small sculpture excavated from ruins .
Warm feeling swaying inside boldly SUSABU form and texture. Jewelries that has both, life power of ancient people’s charm, fetish and creativity, and sleek fashion sense.
SUSA bijou wishes you to feel joy of freedom and creation, and hope you receive joy of creating new image or value beyond the scope of binary oppositions such as “past and present “ “saint and mundanity” “human and animals “or “man and woman “.
2023 1月news
☆H.P.FRANCE destination Tokyo
SUSA bijouの新作ジュエリーお取り扱い中です。